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Create Org Blueprint Using Python


In this tutorial, you will walk through the steps required to build an org Blueprint for your organization using Python. After creation, this Blueprint can be used to convert a XLSX, Parquet, or TSV file to a CSV.

By the end of the tutorial, you'll be able to:


  1. Using the sidebar, click on Blueprints to navigate to the Blueprints page.
  2. Click the Add Blueprint button on the top right of the screen.

Step 1 - Select a Language​

Click on the Python option. You'll be immediately redirected to the next step.

Step 2 - Provide Blueprint Variables​

  1. Click the plus sign next to Blueprint Variables to add a new Blueprint Variable. This will pop up a menu to input information about the Blueprint Variable.

  1. Input the following information:
Display NameInitial File
Reference Nameinitial_file
Variable TypeAlphanumeric
PlaceholderName of the file that you want to convert
  1. Click Add Variable.
  2. Click the plus sign next to Blueprint Variables to add a second Blueprint Variable. Input the following information:
Display NameConverted File
Reference Nameconverted_file
Variable TypeAlphanumeric
PlaceholderName of the file after converting
  1. Click Add Variable.
  2. Click the plus sign next to Blueprint Variables to add a third Blueprint Variable. Input the following information:
Display NameInitial File Format
Reference Nameinitial_file_format
Variable TypeSelect
PlaceholderFile type of the initial file that will be converted to CSV
  1. Before we click Add Variable, we need to add the options that the user will have when selecting a file type. Click the plus sign next to Select Options 3 times to add the following select options:
Display NameReference Name
  1. Select XLSX as the default value.
  2. Click Add Variable.
  3. Under Blueprint Description, enter: This Blueprint takes a file and converts it to a CSV.
  4. Click the Preview this Blueprint button to take a look at what a user will see when trying to use this Blueprint.

  1. Click Next Step.

Step 3 - Code​

  1. Under File Name, enter
  2. Under Code, enter the following code block:
import pandas as pd
import os

initial_file = os.environ.get('initial_file')
converted_file = os.environ.get('converted_file')
initial_file_format = os.environ.get('initial_file_format')
current_user = os.environ.get('current_user')

print(f'Hello {current_user}!')
print(f'Converting {initial_file} to CSV.')
if initial_file_format == 'xlsx':
xlsx_dataframe = pd.read_excel(initial_file)
elif initial_file_format == 'parquet':
parquet_dataframe = pd.read_parquet(initial_file, engine="fastparquet")
elif initial_file_format == 'tsv':
tsv_dataframe = pd.read_csv(initial_file, sep='\t')
print(f'{converted_file} is ready to use!')
  1. Under File to Run, enter

  1. Click Next Step.

Step 4 - Requirements​

  1. Click the plus sign next to Environment Variables to add an environment variable.
  2. For the name, enter current_user.
  3. For the hidden value, enter the name of everyone's favorite pirate: Jack_Sparrow.
  4. Click the plus sign next to Python Packages to add a package.
  5. Enter pandas for the name and ==1.0.0 for the version.
  6. Click Next Step.

Step 5 - Settings​

  1. Set the Visibility to Everyone.
  2. Under Blueprint Name, enter Convert to CSV.
  3. Under Synopsis, enter Blueprint used to convert files to CSV.
  4. Under Icon, enter

  1. Click Save & Finish. This will redirect you to a page that tells you that your Blueprint has been created successfully.


You've successfully created a Blueprint for your organization. Click Use this Blueprint or select it in the Fleet Builder to test it out! If you want to learn how to create a Fleet, feel free to head over to our tutorial on just that!