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Trigger Shipyard Fleet GitHub Action


This action allows you to trigger a Shipyard fleet based on GitHub events such as commits, pull request openings, or merges.


Before proceeding, make sure you have completed the prerequisites outlined in the Shipyard GitHub Actions Overview.

Base Shipyard Action Step​

With the Shipyard Action, you can use our pre-built action by referencing it in the uses field of your GitHub Actions workflow file along with providing the necessary inputs via the with field.

name: <workflow-name>
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- <any additional steps if needed>
- name: <step-name>
uses: shipyardapp/shipyard-actions/trigger-fleet@v1
org_id: '<organization-id>'
project_id: '<project-id>'
fleet_id: '<fleet-id>'
shipyard_api_key: '<API_KEY> ideally in the form of ${{ secrets.SHIPYARD_API_KEY }}'
overrides: '{}'
wait_for_run: 'true'
wait_time: 5

Action Inputs​

The shipyardapp/shipyard-actions/trigger-fleet action has the following inputs:

  • org_id: Your organization ID in Shipyard.
  • project_id: Your project ID in Shipyard.
  • fleet_id: The ID of the fleet you want to trigger.
  • shipyard_api_key: Your Shipyard API key, stored securely in GitHub secrets.
  • overrides (Optional): JSON string of parameters to override the default fleet settings.
  • wait_for_run (Optional): Whether to wait for the fleet run to complete before the action finishes. Note: The success of the action will be determined by the final status of the fleet run.
  • wait_time (Optional): Time in seconds to wait before rechecking the fleet run status if wait_for_run is set to true.

Quick Start​

Here are some examples of how you can configure the Shipyard GitHub Action to trigger a fleet based on different GitHub events. You can copy and paste these configurations into your workflow file and customize them as needed. You are not limited to these examples, and you can create your own configurations based on your requirements.

name: Trigger Shipyard Fleet on Push
- main

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Trigger Shipyard Fleet
uses: shipyardapp/shipyard-actions/trigger-fleet@v1
org_id: 'your-organization-id'
project_id: 'your-project-id'
fleet_id: 'your-fleet-id'
overrides: '{
"vessel_overrides": [
"name": "Execute Python Script",
"environment_variable_overrides": {
"name": "NEW VALUE"
shipyard_api_key: ${{ secrets.SHIPYARD_API_KEY }}
wait_for_run: 'false'